Blocuri de lemn de tei pentru cioplit 47 x 47 mm
Lame cutter segmentate negre de tip A de 9mm fabricate in Japonia....
2 Obiect Produse
Produsul este in stoc
ATENTIE: Ultimele bucati in stoc!
Data disponibilitatii:
Get 'charged up' with the Kilowatt, the first working theme knife designed for the electrician, homeowner, contractor, or anyone who might need to strip wire in a pinch. Three separate systems address wire from fine multi strand all the way up to cable. There is a stripper bar for wire sizes of 10-22, an adjustable spring-loaded UTP/wire stripper in the back, and just in case, our patent pending hole stripper that uses the main blade. Schematic grips, hi voltage tower clip, insulator thumb stud, and a blade with receptacle engraving are signatures that make this a very unique liner lock knife. Without the Kilowatt... you just might end up in the dark!
Lungime totala: 19.05 cm
Lungime lama: 8.64 cm
Lungime inchis: 10.41 cm
Greutate: 93.55 gr
Material maner: nylon armat cu sticla
Culoare: Negru
Otel lama: AUS-8
Duritate otel lama: Rc. 57-58
Grosime lama: 0.30 cm
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